“The ruling of the Supreme Court today was clear: the federal government has no direct constitutional authority to force the purchase of health insurance on individual Americans. Unfortunately, the Court also ruled that the federal government will be allowed to tax people for not having that insurance.
“This ruling so clearly highlights both the continued political deceptions of the Obama administration and our critical need within the judicial, legislative and executive branches of government to be served by those who share the Founders original intent of the limits imposed upon the federal government by the Constitution.
“Now more than ever, we must remember that we are the masters of our own individual liberties – not the federal government, not the Supreme Court—but We the People. Those who we elect to represent us in Washington must be charged not only with correcting this travesty, but also with preventing similar failures in the future.
“We’ve heard that old saying so many times: ‘This is the most important election of our lifetime.’ In light of today’s decision and for so many other clear reasons, I think we are all too aware that the November election will, in fact, be the most pivotal in our history—for us, for our children and for the keeping of this republic.”