Texas Voter Registration Closes Monday, April 30, 2012

April 20, 2012

After lengthy review by both the United States Supreme Court and the United States Western District Court, maps for the Texas State Senate, Texas State House of Representatives and Texas members of the United States House of Representatives have been approved. Subsequently, voter registration deadlines and election dates have changed.

As a result of on-going redistricting litigation, the mailing of new voter registration certificates was delayed. In the absence of approved interim redistricting maps, voter registration officials in many counties were unable to finalize electoral precincts. All previously-issued voter registration certificates expired on December 31, 2011, but only the cards expired—voter registrations remain valid. Specifically:

  • Voters who are currently registered but have no changes to their voter registration (i.e. haven’t moved or changed name) should take no action; their cards will be automatically renewed and mailed to them.
  • Voters who are currently registered and remain in their county of registration, but, have changed their address or name, will need to submit their updated information to their local voter registrar.
  • Voters who are currently registered but have changed their county of residence will need to submit a new voter registration application no later than the 30th day before Election Day.

As ordered by the United States Western District Court, the 2012 primary elections will be held on Tuesday, May 29, 2012. Per that order, the runoff for the May 29 election is scheduled for Tuesday, July 31, 2012. Additional dates for the primary election cycle that voters should be aware of:

  • Voter Registration Deadline for Primary Election: April 30, 2012
  • Deadline to Mail Military and Overseas Ballots for Primary Election: April 14, 2012
  • Early Voting Period for Primary Election: May 14, 2012 – May 25, 2012

For information on how to register to vote or to determine if you are already registered, please visitwww.VoteTexas.gov or contact the office of Secretary of State at 512-463-5701