TABC Sunset Bill/Beer to Go Signed into Law!

TABC Sunset Bill/Beer to Go Signed into Law!

June 15, 2019

I was happy to join Governor Greg Abbott, Representative Chris Paddie, and my other colleagues for the signing of the Texas Alcohol and Beverage Commission (TABC) Sunset Bill (HB 1545).
Over the years, the…

Taxpayer’s Right to Know Act Signed into Law!

Taxpayer’s Right to Know Act Signed into Law!

June 7, 2019

Senate Bill 30, the Taxpayer Right to Know Bill, is now law in Texas!
Senate Bill 30 requires local taxing entities to write bond proposals in a manner that allows voters to approve…

Ending Forced Annexation (HB 347) Signed into Law

Ending Forced Annexation (HB 347) Signed into Law

June 3, 2019

I am pleased to announce that HB 347, which I was the Senate Sponsor, has been signed by the Governor and has taken immediate effect. This major piece of legislation eliminates forced…

The 85th Legislative Session is Underway!

The 85th Legislative Session is Underway!

January 7, 2017

January 7, 2017
Tuesday, January 10th will mark the beginning of the 85th session of the Texas Legislature. With that comes a window of time in which my team and I are focused…

Ted Cruz Headlines Hood County Event

Ted Cruz Headlines Hood County Event

October 13, 2016

Recently Mel and I were blessed to be able to open our home for a
campaign event with a group of close friends and longtime supporters. My dear friend and conservative stalwart, U.S…

“Chance Meeting at RNC Lets Air Force Col. Learn Man He Helped on 9/11 at Pentagon Lived”

“Chance Meeting at RNC Lets Air Force Col. Learn Man He Helped on 9/11 at Pentagon Lived”

July 29, 2016

At the Republican National Convention in Cleveland this month, Senator Birdwell’s longtime friend and former Texas Governor, Rick Perry, was talking with Colonel Rob Maness (USAF, Ret.) about his efforts to help…